

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) for kidney stones

Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) uses shock waves to break a Kidney stone into small pieces that can more easily travel through the urinary tract and pass from the body.

  • You lie on a water-filled cushion, and the surgeon uses X-rays or ultrasound tests to precisely locate the stone. High-energy sound waves pass through your body without injuring it and break the stone into small pieces. These small pieces move through the urinary tract and out of the body more easily than a large stone.
  • The process takes about an hour.
  • You may receive sedatives or local anesthesia.
  • Your surgeon may use a stent when your stones are larger than 2.5cm. A stent is a small, short tube of flexible plastic mesh that holds the ureter open. This helps the small stone pieces to pass without blocking the ureter.
ESWL is usually an outpatient procedure. You go home after the treatment and do not have to spend a night in the hospital.
It may take a few days or weeks for all the stone fragments to pass from your body.


* Contamos con el mas moderno y primer metodo en Reynosa de Litotripsia Extracorporea con ondas de choque, un metodo simple que consiste en romper piedrasde riñon sin necesidad de cirugia abierta por medio de ondas de choqueta a tráves de la piel reduciendo en polvo la piedras, siendo expulsadas despues por la orina sin molestias. Tiene una recuperación inmediata y mas economica que la cirugia abierta, ya que no necesita hospitalización.


* Cirugía de la próstata a tráves del conducto urinario sin necesidad de cirugía abierta.
* Tratamiento médico y quirúrgico de la impotencia sexual.
* Manejo de la esterilidad e infertilidad en el hombre.
* Manejo del cáncer en urología.
* Urología Pediátrica.
* Incontinencia urinaria en la mujer.
* Litotripsia intracorpórea y Nefrolitotomia percutanea.

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